Biography of Milton S.J. Wright

Biography Milton S.J. Wright

1903 (born) - 28 June, Milton S.J. Wright born in Savannah, Georgia.

Son of William Wright and Edith Burnside Wright

1922 (age 19) - Finishes Wilberforce High School, Ohio

1926 (age 23) - receives BA from Wilberforce University

1926 (age 23) - attends summer semester at Harvard University

1927 (age 24) - begins winter semester at Columbia University, NY

The Historical Development of Negro Journals‘ Milton SJ Wright,

Masters Dissertation, Columbia University

1928 (age 25) - receives MA from Columbia University

‘The Historical Development of Negro Journals’ By Milton SJ Wright

1929 May (25) – Dean at Samuel Huston College

1929 July (26)

A special committee of the association of Texas Colleges, with the cooperation of the State department of Education … studied the question of graduate work in Texas Negro Colleges. Great demand for highly trained specialists … At present not one of the Negro institutions of higher learning conducts work leading to Masters degrees. Three university-trained deans were selected to conduct a study – Milton one of them


The Crisis (AUG 1930)

Dean Milton SJ Wright of Samuel Huston College, Austin, has been granted leave of absence to study in Europe for 14 months. He will register at Heidelberg University.

The Crisis (SEP 1930)

Dean Milton SJ Wright of Samuel Huston College, Austin, Texas, has been granted a year’s absence to do graduate study at Heidelberg University

A lot of invites to worldwide pupil conferences:

Represent Negro colleges at the European-American cultural commission, which will convene at the University of Cologne

One of the American delegates to the Ninth Annual Conference of The International Students Service at St Hugh’s College of Oxford

1930 (age 27) - summer graduate Samuel Huston College

1930 (age 27) - June-Aug, vacation course at Oxford University

1930 (age 27) – September 11, attends vacation course (summer school) at University of Geneva. Gives speech at the International Club

1930 (age 27) - begins winter semester Heidelberg University, Germany as part of an exchange fellowship, studying journalism, economics and sociology.

1931 May (age 27)– representative from Heidelberg to the Great Colonial Exposition to be opened in Paris

1931 June (age 27) – ‘Color and the League of Nations’, The Crisis, June

1931 (age 28) - August–September, attends vacation course at the University of Geneva, Switzerland

1931 (age 28) – ‘Letter from Milton S. J. Wright to W. E. B. Du Bois’ The Crisis

1931 Aug - The Crisis ‘Exchange Students‘ Vol 40, 8 - Milton SJ Wright (Aug 1931)

1932 (age 29) - 14 July, oral exams at Heidelberg University, Germany

1932 (age 29) - 25 Aug, parents announce Degree of doctor of philosophy

1932 (age 29) - 25 Aug, signing of sign PhD declaration papers

Die Wirtschaftsentwicklung und die Eingeborenen-Politik in den ehemaligen afrikanischen Schutzgebieten Deutschlands von 1884 bis 1918‘ PhD paper, Heidelberg University, (1932)

1932 (age 29) - 27 Aug, Article announcing this in Pittsburgh Courier

1932 (age 29) - Mon 12 Sep, PhD conferred on Milton SJ Wright this week, at Heidelberg University, Germany

1932 returned to the United States and resumed employment at Samuel Huston College in Austin, Texas. (Samuel Huston College in Austin, Texas (a historically Black college, renamed Huston-Tillotson College in 1952, and Huston-Tillotson University in 2005))

1933 (age 30) – Professor and Head of Department of Economics and Political Science, Wilberforce University

1934 (age 31) - December, Marries Susie Mae Hurt (aka Sue H Hart), daughter of Mr and Mrs Jaseper W. Hurt

1937 May (age 33) - ‘The Outlook for the Negro Graduate‘ Milton SJ Wright, The Sphinx, (May 1937)

1938 -  ‘Does the Negro Really Care?’ Milton SJ Wright, The Sphinx, May 1938

1940 (age 37) - living with wife Sue H Wright in Xenia, Greene, Ohio

1940 (age 38) - Mr and Mrs Milton have a daughter, Edith Francene Wright

1941 - ‘Letter from Milton S. J. Wright to W. E. B. Du Bois’ (March 28, 1941)

1942 (age 39): 30 May, Pittsburgh Courier article by JA Rogers

1947 (age 44) - Editor Central State University Alumni Journal (March 1947 to May 1948)

1947 - ‘Noble Greeks or Savage Barbarians‘ Milton SJ Wright, The Sphinx (October 1947)

1950 (age 47) - June article in Ebony magazine, 'I spent four hours with Adolph'

1953 - ‘Education, Citizenship drive in High Gear‘ Milton SJ Wright, The Sphinx, May 1953

1955 (age 52) - 1 Oct, First study-advice column, Pittsburgh Courier

1959 (age 56) - Dean of the College, Wilberforce University

1969 For nearly four decades Wright taught and was an administrator at Wilberforce where retired in 1969 as Professor of Economics and Political Science and Vice President for Research.

1970 (age 67) - 17 July, became resident at Hospitality Home

1972 (age 68) - 11 march, Sat, died 1am. He was 68.

1972 (12 March) cremated, Winfrey Funeral Home

1972 (15 March) 10.30 am Memorial Service, Holy Trinity AME Church, Wilberforce

1972 - Milton is survived by a daughter and his wife Sue H Wright, Hollywood California

Known titles, positions

Assistant Advisor on Negro Affairs, US Department of the Interior

Advisor to Foreign Students, Wilberforce

Contributing Editor, The Sphinx (1937)

Dean of the college, Wilberforce University

Director, Alumni Relations Office, Wilberforce University

Director of Educational Activities, Wilberforce University (1952-54)

Editorial Director, The Sphinx (1953)

Faculty adviser to the Pan-Hellenic Council, Wilberforce (1947)

Head of Scohlarship and Fellowship Committee, W.U (1953)

President of Chi Lambda Chapter (1937)

Principle Correspondent, ????, (1952)

Professor of Economics and Political Science, Wilberforce University

Visiting lecturer, American Friends Service Committee

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