A journey into history and my attempt to uncover the truth behind a most remarkable and intriguing tale. This is a story about a man called Milton (a black American Phd student), a man called Emil (a Jewish-German academic) and a man called Adolf (who needs no introduction). The time and place: Heidelberg, Germany, 1932.
S1 E1 - An intriguing story - Finding Milton, the podcast's opening episode
GO TO EPISODE PAGES1 E2 - Milton SJ Wright dines with Adolf Hitler - The first version. Finding Milton Podcast
GO TO EPISODE PAGES1 E3 - Who was Milton SJ Wright? A 1920s academic journey to Heidelberg University
GO TO EPISODE PAGES1 E4 - So many versions of this story and no single version of truth
GO TO EPISODE PAGEauthor, writer, illustrator, photographer, designer, founder,
podcaster, journalist, CMO, comms manager