Finding Milton Episode 4

A journey to uncover a most remarkable and intriguing tale.

Finding Milton

A journey into history and my attempt to uncover the truth behind a most remarkable and intriguing tale. This is a story about a man called Milton (a black American Phd student), a man called Emil (a Jewish-German academic) and a man called Adolf (who needs no introduction). The time and place: Heidelberg, Germany, 1932.


Finding Milton: Episode 4

S1 E4 So many versions of this story and no single version of truth

In this episode I uncover many of the various versions of the "Milton SJ Wright's meeting with Adolf Hitler" story that have been published over the years, including by JA Rogers and Roi Ottley. I discover a range of inconsistencies in the tale -- is it even true?? -- as well as two significant new clues in the journey to uncover the real story behind Milton's eventful dinner in 1932.


  • Heidelberg
  • Introduction
  • Consectetur adips
  • Julia Boyd
  • Mi quis viverra
  • Dolor sit amet

Shownote links

  • dsakjhdskjhsadkjh
  • saJGH
  • SJhgskajhsakj
  • dsakjhdskjhsadkjh
  • saJGH
  • SJhgskajhsakj
  • dsakjhdskjhsadkjh
  • saJGH
  • SJhgskajhsakj

Listen to Episode 04

In this episode I uncover many of the various versions of the "Milton SJ Wright's meeting with Adolf Hitler" story that have been published over the years, including by JA Rogers and Roi Ottley. I discover a range of inconsistencies in the tale -- is it even true?? -- as well as two significant new clues in the journey to uncover the real story behind Milton's eventful dinner in 1932.

Books by Jesse

My first book was a book on English grammar and usage, published through Hachette. This was followed up by books combining history and etymology. So far I have published 11 books. History and great stories are the common denominators.

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